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Return Ballots By April 23

Welcome to the Fuse Progressive Voters Guide to the 2024 April election! The Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot, based on your values. You can learn about our partners and decision-making process here. Please share this guide with your friends and family!

Tahoma School District


Vote YES to continue funding Tahoma schools' basic operations budget

Strong schools build strong communities. In order to keep providing critical school resources that state funding doesn't cover, voters are being asked to approve Tahoma School District Proposition 1, which replaces an expiring educational programs and operations (EP&O) levy. 

Voters may recognize this levy from the February 2024 special election. Because it failed to gain a 50 percent majority vote, Tahoma’s school board directors have approved its reprisal on April ballots due to its importance in the day-to-day district budget. The levy itself is not new and currently accounts for an estimated 17 percent of the district budget. 

The EP&O levy is crucial for providing our students with the basics needed to access a quality education in our modern age. Some of these costs include instructional materials, special programs, activities and sports, technology systems operation, staff salaries, and transportation.

If approved by voters this time, an approximate rate of $2.50 per $1,000 in assessed value would be levied, costing the owner of an average Tahoma home about $1,250 per year. By comparison, the EP&O levy rate previously passed by Tahoma voters in 2020 was just 50 cents lower per $1,000 in assessed value.

Vote Yes on Tahoma School District Proposition 1 to ensure our students have the bare minimum resources and programs to access a quality education.

Last updated: 2024-04-05

Strong schools build strong communities. In order to keep providing critical school resources that state funding doesn't cover, voters are being asked to approve Tahoma School District Proposition 1, which replaces an expiring educational programs and operations (EP&O) levy. 

Voters may recognize this levy from the February 2024 special election. Because it failed to gain a 50 percent majority vote, Tahoma’s school board directors have approved its reprisal on April ballots due to its importance in the day-to-day district budget. The levy itself is not new and currently accounts for an estimated 17 percent of the district budget. 

The EP&O levy is crucial for providing our students with the basics needed to access a quality education in our modern age. Some of these costs include instructional materials, special programs, activities and sports, technology systems operation, staff salaries, and transportation.

If approved by voters this time, an approximate rate of $2.50 per $1,000 in assessed value would be levied, costing the owner of an average Tahoma home about $1,250 per year. By comparison, the EP&O levy rate previously passed by Tahoma voters in 2020 was just 50 cents lower per $1,000 in assessed value.

Vote Yes on Tahoma School District Proposition 1 to ensure our students have the bare minimum resources and programs to access a quality education.

Last updated: 2024-04-05